SD vs MicroSD Cards

November 17, 2021

SD vs MicroSD Cards: A Comparison

Whether you're a professional photographer, videographer, or simply someone who needs to store large files, choosing the right memory card is important. With so many options available, it can be difficult to decide which one to pick. In this post, we'll compare SD and microSD cards to help you make an informed decision.

Size Matters

SD Cards have been around for over 20 years and are a go-to option for many devices that require storage. They come in three sizes:

  • Full-Size SD (32mm x 24mm)
  • Mini SD (21.5mm x 20mm)
  • Micro SD (15mm x 11mm)

MicroSD Cards were introduced in 2005 as a smaller alternative to SD. They were initially used in mobile phones but their compatibility and capacity have expanded to various devices. These cards are the smallest of the three SD card sizes.


In terms of capacity, SD and MicroSD cards come in a wide range of sizes, and the amount of storage you need will depend on the device you're using and the files you're storing. Here's an overview of the storage capacities available for both SD and microSD cards:

SD Cards MicroSD Cards

As you can see, both SD and microSD cards have similar storage capacity.


The speed of a memory card is measured in two ways: read speed and write speed. Read speed is how quickly data can be transferred from the card to your device, and write speed is how fast data can be saved onto the card.

Here is an overview of speed specifications:

SD Cards Read Speed Write Speed
SD Up to 312MB/s Up to 312MB/s
SDHC Up to 104MB/s Up to 104MB/s
SDXC Up to 312MB/s Up to 312MB/s
MicroSD Cards Read Speed Write Speed
MicroSD Up to 100MB/s Up to 100MB/s
MicroSDHC Up to 104MB/s Up to 104MB/s
MicroSDXC Up to 624MB/s Up to 100MB/s

As you can see, MicroSDXC cards have higher read speeds than the fastest SD card available. However, when it comes to write speed, both SD and MicroSD cards are capable of similar speeds.


In terms of price, SD cards can be a bit more expensive than MicroSD cards. This is mainly due to the fact that they are larger in size and have been around for a longer period of time.


Both SD and microSD cards have their advantages and disadvantages. While SD cards are larger in size and a bit more expensive, they offer faster read and write speeds. MicroSD cards, on the other hand, are smaller, cheaper and can have higher read speeds.

The decision you make ultimately depends on the device you're using and your storage needs.

We hope this article has helped you to make an informed decision when choosing between SD and microSD cards.


  1. SD Association
  2. Lifewire - Difference between SD and MicroSD Cards

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